Pedraza Penelope Maria utilise pour arnaquer les gens

Description :

Hi again,

You seem like a lovely person, and I would be more than happy to have you as my tenant ! 🙂

As I said in my previous e-mail, we will use an authorized third party to intermediate our transaction –

Here is how the process works for long-term rentals:

– I activate the ad on and send you the link for the reservation
– You will have to make the reservation only for one month. Then, Booking will send you the invoice and the payment instructions for 1 month rent + the security deposit (EUR 550 + EUR 1’000 = EUR 1’550)

The moment confirms the receipt of your payment, I will book the first flight and meet with you for the inspection of the apartment.

After our meeting, if you decide to rent the apartment, we will go to a notary or to a real estate agency and make the long term rental agreement, for any period you want, or for an unlimited period. The rental contract is fully flexible, in order to suit both of our needs, so if you want to add something in the contract, or remove something from it, we can do it, I am a reasonable person, no need to worry about anything :). At this point, after all the legal documents are finalized, you will have to authorize Booking to release the funds to me.

If, after the inspection of the apartment, you decide that you don’t want to rent it (for any reason whatsoever), Booking will refund you the money in full, as the cancellation policy is fully flexible. (I am more than certain that you will fall in love with the apartment, anyway 🙂 ).

Please note that this reservation on Booking is only a formality, and a one time transaction, and this is the only way that will convince me to come and meet with you. Unfortunately, a previous « tenant » made me fly for nothing 3 weeks ago, and decided not to answer his phone when I arrived …

After the first month, the rest of the monthly payments will be sent directly to me. We will discuss all the rest details in person, if you decide to rent it.

I hope you understand the steps of the transaction, you will NOT send the money to me, you will send it to Booking. I can’t have access to the funds without your authorization, so you are 100% protected. Your payment will be locked into the custody of Booking, until you decide if you want to rent the apartment or not.
So basically, you have nothing to lose, and I also have the certitude that you are indeed serious about this.

If you agree with my terms and conditions, I will need the following information from you, so that I can activate the ad on Booking, and provide you the link for the reservation:

1. Your desired move-in date, along with the period of stay
2. Name and number of the persons that want to stay in the apartment
3. Mobile phone number
4. A copy of your ID/Passport

I spoke with my husband, and we would like to inform you that if you make the reservation on Booking for 6 months now, we will lower the monthly rent with 30%.




Dear Maria,

I’m so Sorry for lately replying.
I don’t make the booking yet because
I was wondering visiting the Appt first.
Then …make the booking confirmation

I don’t know if there in a way to organize a short visit before you personaly come.

Thank for your kind understanding.



No need to contact me again, thanks !


Domaine : E-commerce

Informations complémentaires de la part de l’Internaute ayant partagé ce contenu :

J’ai failli me faire prendre dans cette arnaque heureusement, j’habite pas trop loin. J’ai été visité l’Appartement qu’Elle a proprosé…..Bizarrement, tous les noms des proproetaires sont affichés sur les boites aux lettres à l’entrée sauf le nom de « Pedraza Penelope Maria »

Quand je lui ai posé la question de me faire visiter l’Appartement avant toute transaction. Elle me demande de ne plus la contacter….

Capture d’écran :
Pedraza Penelope Maria utilise pour arnaquer les gens« >

Arnaque signalée par Iv
Date de signalement : 11 décembre 2023 à 18 h 28 min

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