Location appartement Dublin Irlande arnaque

Description :

Sam renne mail :
Mr Gimba on Facebook message me this now
that you need an apartment here in the
city.The apartment i have is spacious and
located at 109 Parnell St, Rotunda, Dublin 1,
K389 Ireland very clean with a lovely kitchen,
living room, private bathroom and toilet. There
is washing machine and dish washer, including
internet. Each room is furnished with a double
size mattress, reading table and wardrobe. It
is located in central neighborhood. The room
in 2bedroom flat is €700 plus a security
deposit of €900.The security deposit is
refundable at the termination date of the lease
Thanks and hope to hear from you soon.

Domaine : Réseaux sociaux : Facebook, Twitter, Instagram…

Informations complémentaires de la part de l’Internaute ayant partagé ce contenu :

Sam renne Id card was sent ,
but after Contacted Sam renne himself, he said his Id card was stolen and Nigeria. Guys were using it to fraud.
The fraudulous Guy gave us number +351 911 812 205

Arnaque signalée par Philippe
Date de signalement : 3 septembre 2022 à 12 h 28 min

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