fausse identité Whatsapp tentative escroquerie par sms

Description :

numéro de tel:1(760)292-5788: Oh I really want to get you a Job

I want to make you my personal assistant

And indeed this will come with some benefits to you

I’m doing this because I trust you and believe you can handle this completely


But promise me you will keep this safe and private

You will be receiving payments from any part of the world for me
For different purposes

After several months speaking ..you certainly have some ideas of my personality, no?

All you have to do is make accounts available and also get a get a PayPal account to receive money for me and send to me and also get your %

My answer:Really.. you are a true business man!

Yes I do

Send me your accounts and also your PayPal Account

So when next Payment will be made to your account and all you have to do is receive the money to your account and send it across to my Bitcoin address

Me:You are more talkative about money than when I talk about music…

At the time when the whole world is talking about hacking.. phone of people, or account.. I don’t give out my bank details via an app!!! It’s matter if security….

Domaine : Téléphone : SMS, Appel, Whatsapp

Informations complémentaires de la part de l’Internaute ayant partagé ce contenu :

interlocuteur qui se fait passer pour Henry Lau,célébrité travaillant En corée du sud et propose d’abord de payer 2850€ pour examiner la possibilité d’une rencontre avec l’artiste. Maintien de contact par Whatsapp, plus tard proposition de recevoir de l’argent de partout(après avoir donné mon numero de compte bancaire!!) , d’en conserver un % et de verser de l’argent sur un compte en bitcoin….

Arnaque signalée par ANNICK
Date de signalement : 5 août 2021 à 13 h 45 min

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